I think they're called choke cherries because they look so luscious hanging heavily on the bushes. But when you taste them they have a harsh sharp taste. No doubt appealing to birds because they love them.
I don't know who figured it out but buckets of them have been picked over the years and made into a wonderful jelly that is native to Wyoming, Montana and these western states.
My mother never quite got the jelly set enough so she would make chokecherry syrup which was heavenly on pancakes. She made it sound like she did it that way on purpose.
Hello to all my shadow readers out there. Have a wonderful Sunday. Blessings, Diane
Xo bean
I love the way these chokecherries look like earrings. Jewels of fall!
When I have, infrequently over the years, experienced chokecherry jam or syrup it takes me back to my childhood in an instant. That flavor no other has. xobean
Glad to find that I'm able to comment again. Those chokecherries sure look pretty. We were in Bulgaria earlier this month and bought what is called rose jam but is really more syrup like. It came in small jars and my husband gave one to a friend who opened it up, gave it a sniff and than gulped the whole thing down. :) Hard to believe August has come to an end.
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