Three days ago it started to warm up. The pussy willows are starting to open and water is running everywhere.
Getting around the block is plop, plop, plop! Rascal's little feet look like little wet mops and it's just wonderful to have something besides bitter cold and more snow.
It feels like a huge grey stress cloud has lifted and I can breathe.
There will be more snow before summer, there will be more storms and feel like winter again but for now the winter that has held on since October 4th has broken and the sun feels so good. Diane
Enjoy the reprieve. Today has been very pleasant here as well,but no melting yet.
Hurrah!!!!!!!!!! Now comes the fun watching for all the little subtle signs of spring. Amanda told me two beautiful stories about you and now I admire you more and more!!! You are REAL angel :)
We're supposed to have 40 here tomorrow, a welcome break from this terrible winter. Enjoy your break, hopefully we'll all be on an upswing now!
Now the flooding starts . . . but who's complaining at 65 degrees? YAY! xobean
Glad there's a break in the freezing cold. Yusef is probably going to switch colleges, still in Colorado, but closer to Denver since it is a bit warmer and not so remote as where he is now. Hugs, Tammy
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