Pinecones and Roses

Sunday, March 2, 2014


One of our neighbor boys went to Europe this summer on a tour with a group of students.  They hit all the high spots - London, Paris, and several other major cities.  I thought it sounded like the most wonderful trip and asked him to send me a postcard from Paris.  He made sure to send me one and it just made my heart sing.  Thank you again, Jacob.              Diane


Jane the Booklady said...

Dear Diane, what a lovely boy. I too love Paris and Emily and I are due to go for a visit in June after she has finished her finals. Well... Sam and I did get to go to Lucca together! Jane xx

Name: Amanda said...

What a sweetheart! I really enjoy GOOD kids:) Fun post too - and love your header. xobean

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

How lovely! Paris is beautiful, that's for sure. Best wishes, Tammy

Ramblin Rose said...

What a nice kid!

purplehaze said...

What a way to celebrate PARIS!!!!! and what a great kid

June said...

What a sweetie he is Diane. I hope he is having the time of his life.
My guess is that he is :)))
I appreciated your sweet message so much Diane. Thank you my dear.
sending hugs...