Pinecones and Roses

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Canadian Geese and Coyotes

As we crossed through the Little Bighorn River valley today thousands and thousands of Canadian Geese were flying over head, crossing over us.  I don't use the word awesome much but that's the only word I can think of to describe these massive flocks of them.  I'm thinking that this must be some natural migration route for them.  This picture is part of a larger group of them which I photographed near my daughter's house in Billings.
A coyote started to cross the highway up in front of me, changed his mind and ran back to the other side. We got a great look at him but I was driving and couldn't get a picture.


Ruth Hiebert said...

THose Canada Geese must be heading to Canada,yeah. I love to see those large flocks streaming through the sky.

polkadotpeticoat said...

You have a knack for nature presenting itself to you....lovely pictures Diane!

Name: Amanda said...

How cool to see a coyote. They are so elusive - what a treat. I love your new header too! Very cute! xobean

Jane the Booklady said...

Hello Diane, I love the sight of flocks of birds flying overhead. We get most in the autumn, when they are leaving us for the winter and so it's always tinged with sadness. Jane xx

trisha too said...

Wow, that must have been an amazing sight and sound. We have them fly overhead occasionally, but never in those numbers. I especially like it when they are NOT honking (that isn't often), and you can hear the rustle of their wings.


mudderbear said...

That is just wonderful. I always feel like God is favoring me, especially, when he shows me things like this. Thanks for sharing.