Pinecones and Roses

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Yellow Roses

 Take a deep breath.  Now don't you feel better.  I thought you would after breathing in the intoxicating aroma of these beautiful roses.  

    For some reason women would plant these in the alley that ran behind their homes.  I don't think they were ashamed of them, I just think they thought where you planted roses, usually yellow ones.  Starts of the roses were probably passed around from friend to friend.  Maybe I'm all wrong.  The roses aren't nearly as plentiful now, neither are alleys, and for that matter, maybe friends.  

Anyway, these elegant flowers are for you today.  Enjoy!          Blessings, Diane


Ruth Hiebert said...
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Gary and Judy said...

Beautiful roses. Photos like this must help sustain you through the winter. Spring is just around the corner. We enjoy your posts.
Gary and Judy.