Thank you, Ruth.
Yes, things have not been good and yet I hesitate yet because I know that others have problems, too. My husband battles lupus, congestive heart failure, diabetes, atrial fib and a few more problems mostly all brought on by lupus or the prednisone he takes for it. To add to that his only child, my step daughter for 27 years has terminal cancer and is going into hospice tomorrow. We only found out about it 6 weeks ago. I feel so helpless and so sorry for him. I try to cover the bases and keep the balls in the air but I now have to wear an ankle orthotic on my left foot because it's ....falling apart. I still manage to do most things but I'm slow.
Thank you for "listening". Diane
I am so sorry that life is that hard for you. You are in my prayers.
I love you and Leonard so much and want to unburden you both ( and Rose) of the grief and pain. The best I can do is share it. Xo bean
Oh Diane, sweetie, you have so much darkness right now, and how sad about your so young step daughter. On the light side, your hollyhocks are bold and beautiful. I read that Crusader knights brought them to Europe from the Holy Lands, and they were then named holy or holly hocks.
Prayers for brighter times ahead for you and your hubby.
Dear Diane, I have been away from blogging a few weeks and I'm so sorry to read of your troubles. How heartbreaking for you and your husband. Sending you love and prayers Jane xx
Oh Diane, I am so sorry for all Len and you are going through. With all that is happening it is hard to say it's all going to be alright. I know it doesn't seem that way right now, or should it. My prayers go out to you, Len, and your step daughter. May God give you peace.
Dear Diane,
I am so sorry to read your post. I will keep you in my prayers. I ask God to give you and your family peace and strength.
God Bless you.
Aunt Bea
Just catching up after a very long month and read this post. I admire you in that you gain hope and some peace from the beauty of nature around you. You are in the midst of experiencing the best and worst of life. Poignant times, but you are not traveling, j
Dear Diane, sometimes everything seems to hit us all at once. Or perhaps we try too hard for too long to stay strong. It's good to voice what bothers you. Letting it all out helps to release the burden of it all. Sending hugs your way, Tammy
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