Yesterday as I sat outside - a hummingbird. I got my camera and luckily it was still around. I snapped a dozen pictures but as I did my doubts grew.
And when I put it on the computer it wasn't a hummingbird but a hummingbird moth. I've seen so many of these and every time I'm fooled.......for a little while. Oh, well, this is a fascinating little creature, too, and much more cooperative. Diane
I had heard about these but never seen one until we were in Durango, Colorado last month. The most awesome little creature I've ever laid eyes on. I got some good video of it flitting about. Totally amazing! :) Tammy
It may not be a Hummingbird,but still a very nice catch.
I had heard about these but never seen one until we were in Durango, Colorado last month. The most awesome little creature I've ever laid eyes on. I got some good video of it flitting about. Totally amazing! :) Tammy
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