Pinecones and Roses

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


The delphiniums just speak for themselves. 
They're just looking beautiful right now.  They managed to miss the cotton sticking to everything unlike some of the other flowers.  
                                   Feeling blue - Diane


Jane the Booklady said...

Beautiful shades of blue! Have a happy, sunny day Jane xxx

Terra said...

Your delphiniums are beautiful shades of blue, and perhaps the prettiest of all the blue flowers. Maybe I will plant some; I did nurture Canterbury Bells which have blue/purple flowers.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Delphiniums look so stately.We used to have lots of these flowers,but alas,I have none now.Thanks for sharing these.

purplehaze said...

Dont show this to Ellen!!!! She has the BLUES you know :) I kinda like that white cottony stuff---looks like snow in summer :) Beautiful flowers Diane xxx