Pinecones and Roses

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Goodbye, April.........................

Skies heavy and rain-streaked, the smell of earth awaiting the new flowers and 
fresh growth, wind blowing away the debris of winter and last
fall, and the smell of FRESH!  Fresh everything. I don't want
to see April go, it's been a wonderful month. 


polkadotpeticoat said...

I'm so ready for May and school will be out.....I should take a picture of the tomatoes the kids started in class they are huge already and I do not have a green thumb as we know...Happy May Day, Heidi

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful little violets.Soon more flowers will be showing their pretty faces.

Pondside said...

April ended and May began with a heat wave up here. Today we're back to cooler temps and a little rain. That's okay - the flower beds need the water.

Kit said...

May you have a lovely May. My favorite month. :) Kit