Pinecones and Roses

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Welcome Visitors...............

The Wild Turkeys have been
appearing more often in our neighborhood.
Maybe it's because some of the snowdrifts have
melted and exposed some bare spots and maybe they
just got "cabin fever" and wandered over from
the other side of the creek.
I never get tired of watching these beautiful
birds. Yes, I said beautiful.  The feathers are
amazing, every color in the rainbow.  I believe they
must be a relative to the Peacock. 
Their feathers are every type imaginable.  Small checkered
black and white, some with "rainbows" on them, Some
are very long. 
We're so blessed to have them around us and give most of us
so much joy.      Diane


Pondside said...

I can see a patch of that colour to which you refer - funny, but I'd never thought of wild turkeys as being beautiful - but then, I've never seen a wild turkey!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The Wild Turkey is indeed a beautiful bird.I'm glad you are able to enjoy them.

mudderbear said...

There's your wild turkey !!!!!!!
How fun to see it again.
It's too bad the blogs have quieted down so. Mine will not allow me to do anything on there. I guess I've been booted off, but it's been a very long time since I last posted.
I hope all is well for you. I will see you on Facebook and be glad for that.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I love that you are able to see the beauty in everything. Hugs and blessings, Tammy