Pinecones and Roses

Thursday, February 23, 2012


We're getting used to something new around
our house.  It's a Thunder Shirt.  The idea of it is
to help dogs who are extremely anxious
about certain situations - in our case going
to a different place, severe separation
anxiety, and worry (yes! dogs do worry!)

It's supposed to cuddle them much like wrapping
a newborn baby tightly to make them
feel more secure.  Don't worry he isn't hurting
it just feels weird to him.  In fact he wags his tail
when I'm putting it on him.  I hope it works


Ruth Hiebert said...

He sure does look unsure about this.

Pondside said...

I'll be interested to hear how it works.

Jane the Booklady said...

How intriguing Diane, I do hope it works. We have tried a plug-in pherome thingy to calm down our mad cat... Jane x

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Very interesting. Haven't heard of this before. I'm glad you got your blog problems worked out. Have a great weekend. Tammy

Jane said...

Diane - I will be interested in knowing how this works out. Please keep us updated!


June said...

I hope it works Diane. T.T. doesn't seem to have much of a problem with change, unless I leave for an extended time...which I seldom do.
But this next week will be the real test for he and Landon. We are going to St.George, Utah to visit my daughter and her husband for a week. They just moved there two weeks ago when he got a transfer with his job with Skywest. Landon has never been away from home that long other than being in the hospital...maybe I should get him a Thunder shirt : )
sending hugs...

polkadotpeticoat said...

I think he looks quite dapper....

Miss Gracie's House said...

Interesting! Hope it works :)
Have a great weekend!
ps...what happened to your blog...looks like you figured it out?

mudderbear said...

How interesting. This was featured on our local News Station tonight. Our weatherman's dog is afraid of loud noises. So you are ahead of all of us in trying it out, eh? It certainly looks like a good idea. Keep us posted.

Name: Amanda said...

What a cutie! I hope it works. xobean