Pinecones and Roses

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Show's Always Going On

 The ducks seem to pay no notice to the icy water and the thick ice, they found a great place to munch.

 Aerial artists
A Northern Flicker keeping watch.                  


Pondside said...

I can watch ducks for ages - they are such busy, sociable little creatures. Each spring we wait for the arrival of the wild duck couples who come to keep company with our domestic flock for a couple of weeks.

Name: Amanda said...

Great pics mom! Love the blue head on one of the ducks (in the sunshine)! You have always been such a terrific observer of nature! xobean

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those ducks make me feel cold. The water has to be extremely cold.They sure don't seem to mind.

Kit said...

I love ducks! And Canadian Geese, if I see a V of them, I just have to pull over and watch. :) Kit

June said...

Oh baby, it looks so cold out there. The little water fowl don't seem to mind a bit, do they Diane. Lovely photos!!! and a great capture of the flicker.

The RH is the March issue which should be on the newstand soon. I haven't seen it yet, but hope to get to town next week to get a copy.
hugs from here...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great pictures, Diane. Amazing how the ducks and water birds don't seem to mind that horribly cold water...

The squirrels can jump most anywhere... And I love your Northern Flicker.


Jane the Booklady said...

Hi Diane, Thank you, as always, for your lovely photographs. Now I have to tell you, as you know I've been waiting.... We HAVE SNOW!!!! Only about an inch but at least it's proper wintery weather- we are so pleased! Jane xx

polkadotpeticoat said...

You see things that most people would never notice....always amazing!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

It's amazing how we find it so cold and all the little creatures of the world manage to adapt to their environment. Boy I bet that water is cold. Hope you are staying warm and cozy. Tammy

Anonymous said...

No ducks up here for a while - it's too cold. Happy to see yours, Diane! :)