Pinecones and Roses

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Paper Whites

My own little garden of them in my art room.  The window faces west and they love the beautiful light that comes in there.  I do, too.   Speaking of whites, this little snow baby hanging from the lamp is called My First Star.  

I'm hoping that your home is full of comfort and joy.                                 Diane


Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh,I remember growing PaperWhites once. They smelled so good.For some reason I have never done it again.One of these years I must try it again.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love your Paperwhites --and of course, your snow babies...

I hope people are enjoying the season --but so many of my blog friends are stressed and trying to do too much.. I used to be that way---but NO LONGER.


polkadotpeticoat said...

your home is so cozy with its white touches of Christmas.... didn't Amanda look amazing???
I hope your having a wonderful week, I have been working with Phil a lot hoping for a day off coming up so I can enjoy a quiet cup of tea before the kids get out next week for vacation!

Laurie said...

The flowers are one of my favorites, I can smell them just looking at the picture. I have this snow baby, I just think they're so precious. Ken doesn't like them, but I can't see my decorating without them!

Name: Amanda said...

Your paperwhites are beautiful! xobean

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Love those paperwhites! Every year I say I will do some Christmas bulbs. I need to go find some. Your snowbaby collection is so sweet. I have one that a friend gave me. The snowbaby is holding a box with my birthstone inside. Jingles knocked it down and broke it, unfortunately! :/ Hope your day is great. Tammy