Pinecones and Roses

Friday, October 21, 2011


This is one of our side yards this morning early.  The little apple tree was so pretty I slipped outside and got this shot.  It's such a pretty time of the year when there's some green and some blazing colors.

Gratitude - Disasters that never happen.  Like today when I dropped my very long pointed paper scissors and they landed point down right next to my bare foot.  How many times do things not happen that could have.  For that I'm ever thankful.


Ruth Hiebert said...

I like the way you draw attention to the things that don't happen. Once again,we have so much to be thankful for.

Pondside said...

Amen! I'm so glad you didn't puncture your foot!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Yikes! That would have hurt. I have a bee in my post today. Why would anyone not want bees and bugs in their gardens? It is normal and the way it is supposed to be. Pesticides are not normal. I never understand either why folks plant vegetables and flowers and then get upset that the deer come to munch. If you live where there is wildlife then that is going to happen. Love that you seem turkeys roaming around your neighborhood. :) Have a super Saturday. Tammy

Jane the Booklady said...

Good Morning Diane, Thank you, as always for a happy start to my day. Jane x

Name: Amanda said...

Look at all of the leaves (green even!) on your trees!!!! All of the color is GONE here. Wow, it is so funny to still see green.
Disaster's ALMOST happen to me almost daily. I should be grateful shouldn't I?
I Love you! Hope your weekend is great!
Love, Bean

June said...

I agree with Pondie...amen! So many times we dodge the bullets that come our way and that is something to be thankful for for sure.
Diane what is the tree closest in the picture with the wrinkly leaves? Your side yard looks like a secret garden to me!
hugs from here...

Kit said...

Hello! Whew, that was a close one. As my daughter would say, your guardian angel was looking out for your foot. :) Kit