Pinecones and Roses

Monday, October 10, 2011

Gratitude - Aging

Today is my husband, Leonard's, 72nd birthday.

One thing that has always bothered me is the disparaging remarks about aging - "old age sucks", "these golden years aren't golden".  Jill had this on her facebook page and I don't know where it originally came from but I love it - (Thanks, Jill)

One of the many things no one tells you about aging is that it's such a nice change from being young.  Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.  Beautiful young people are accidents from nature, but beautiful old people are a work of art.                        Diane


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great picture of Leonard, Diane. Happy Birthday to him!!!!!

I love these years in our lives. I'm 69--and never been happier.

Pondside said...

Oh I love that! I'm going to have to cross stitch that on a pillow.

mudderbear said...

Okay, I'm going to remember this.
Leonard looks happy and content. I'm sure you have everything to do with that.

Name: Amanda said...

I hope he had a healthy and happy day! Leonard is one of the BEST men I have ever known in my life. How lucky am I to call him Dad? xobean

P.S. You and Jill are right about aging. 41 is so much better than 21 (except feeling like the tin man in the morning).

Ruth Hiebert said...

Belated Happy Birthday to Leonard. There are aspects of growing older which are not that great,but it also comes with some great features. What it boils down toys,just enjoy each day we have,a gift from God.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Great thoughts on aging. And happy birthday to Leonard! I hope that I am becoming a comfortable work of art. :) Best wishes and blessings, Tammy

Jane the Booklady said...

Happy Birthday! A great piece about aging, I shall show my Ladies and Gentlemen at the Friendship Club, where I'm organiser. Jane x

Angela said...

Happy birthday, Leonard!
It is a good feeling to be more comfortable in your own skin. Do you suppose it's because our skin has become so soft and stretched out of shape? Just speaking for myself of course!