Pinecones and Roses

Monday, June 13, 2011


There's beauty everywhere.  Even the dandelion is an amazing work of art, so's a bird's nest.  How in the world do the birds know how to make a nest?  Just the right size for their little eggs.  Why do some birds throw things together and hope it will be a nest and others create delicate spidery masterpieces?  These things I wonder about.     Diane


Ruth Hiebert said...

I see the hand of God in all of these things.

Pondside said...

What an elegant collection - and at the same time so real.

mudderbear said...

What a beautiful new look for your page here. I love the new, soft color. And the photograph just pulls me into it, wondering what is there and looking to see..maybe tiny fairies hovering about. It's so nice of you to do that for everybody. Thank you.
Oh, and by-the-way.... about the birds doing their nests one way or the other..I can relate to that. I wonder if the messy ones get as frustrated as I do with my house...

Angela said...

Don't you just love the world God made us? My sweetie and I sometimes try to imagine how glorious it must have been before sin entered the world and corrupted things...too amazing to comprehend!

Jill said...

Enjoying nature and understanding it is what makes it so interesting.It is one of the most beautiful things in life to enjoy:)

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I think dandelions are lovely. We actually have them here and when they start to grow, I let them go. It's a flower to me. :) I always wonder about the birds and all the different ways they make a nest. I wonder where the birds here nest? I've never seen any. Hope you are having a lovely day. Tammy

Laurie said...

I do too Diane, instinct I guess, and a God who left out no details, even for the smallest of creatures.