Pinecones and Roses

Thursday, January 20, 2011


The weeks around the equinox have been cloudy and gray hard to get great pictures 
things just turn out looking like silhouettes.  But I treasure these days, time to be inside and 
creating things, reading, catching up on a nap, maybe even cleaning.  These are the
days of rest, winter is a time of rest, a time of dormancy.  
Although the earth slumbers under a blanket of snow things quietly rest and wait for the
time when they will burst forth and the earth will be busy again.  We should
take an example from that and enjoy these quiet, gentle, gray days.   


Ruth Hiebert said...

With the temperatures sooo cold,staying inside is about all that sounds good.Have fun creating new things.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI Diane, I was just telling a blog friend today that winter is a great time to just snuggle up with a good book... You are right... It is a time to REST and RENEW....

I love winter --although all of this snow really can get to us when we are trying to get around... Oh Well--let's just stay home and RELAX... ha


Laurie said...

I agree Diane, what's good enough for the bears is good enough for me!

mudderbear said...

I really like how you appreciate winter. I like it too. It's peaceful and unhurried for the most part. Wonderful picture.

Name: Amanda said...

I secretly like those kind of days too! I must get it from you. I like your ornament! xobean

Jayne said...

Oh, I fully agree my friend. My hubby calls this his "hibernation time." :c)

Heidi said...

A bowl of soup tea and cookies and a girl movie winter bliss, oh and the kids in school...

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Diane, it is so true that we should learn from the seasons. Why is everyone always rushing here and there every day of the year. There is a time for running and time for nesting. I loved your post about Wyoming not being newsworthy when it comes to snow. Ha! Your state is doing what it always does. It's the southern states that got snow and ice that make the news. Enjoy your cozy creative time. I'd love to spend a day with you doing just that. Best wishes and blessings, Tammy