Pinecones and Roses

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Our Turn and I'm On the Naughty List

 With all the storms rolling around us we've managed to stay pretty quiet here - until this morning.  We woke up to snow and winds and very cold temperatures.  I guess it was time. 

I delivered a gift to our friends Bill and Lorraine.  You remember Bill, the guy
who turned 90 a while back.  Lorraine came to the door with her walker and squinted at my
t-shirt.  "What does that say?"  she asked.  I told her I was on Santa's naughty list.
She looked very worried and said "Oh, my!"                    Diane


Heidi said...

Thats too funny, sometimes friends need a little poke...How naughty!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I can't imagine you ever getting on that naughty list.We too have had snow,blowing snow and much colder temperatures.UGH!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

You are not naughty, Diane.... IF anyone needs that shirt, my hubby said that it should be ME... ha ha ha

You are a good lady to deliver a gift in THAT weather... Brrrrrrrr....

Happy New Year.

Pondside said...

A little bit naughty is okay!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Ha! I don't think you would be on anyone's naughty list. Wishing you and Leonard a healthy, happy new year. Blessings to you and yours, Tammy

Jayne said...

How funny Diane! Happy New Year to you and Leonard!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, you couldn't be on Santa's Naughty List... not you!!! :)

We received a little of this storm too - about 6". We sure needed it!

Happy New Year, Diane!