Pinecones and Roses

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Little Sparkle

Usually this chippy shutter holds favorite cards
but at Christmas now it hold the white wreath
I made.  I got the idea for the wreath last year
from June at Dancing With Angels.
My old cupboard in the dining room with some handmade ornaments
and some other things I love to put together.
Sparkles on the tree. 


Angela said...

So pretty!! I'm having the best time playing with all my stuff too!

Heidi said...

I love your sparkles....very cheery! Are you all done shopping!

Ruth Hiebert said...

This is so pretty.One cannot have too much sparkle,especially at Christmas.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love your white wreath, Diane... Gorgeous... AND--all of those cute little sparkly ornaments and 'pretties'.... LOVE them all.. Isn't Christmas just such a JOYFUL time????? I get so excited just coming to blogs like yours.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

So very lovely indeed Diane! Thanks for sharing a little sparkle and glitter. Things are dull and dreary over here because of the dust. I just want to stay home in warm pajamas and play all day. Soon enough -- winter break begins tomorrow at 1 pm. Woo hoo! Best wishes and warm hugs, Tammy

Jayne said...

Pretty wreath and sparkles Diane!