Pinecones and Roses

Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye Old Year

                              Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof.   Ecclesiastes 7:8

As this old year of Two Thousand and Ten comes to a close I stop for a while and consider it's gifts.  One of them is you and your special friendship.  Amazing, truly amazing, these times we live in that we can have a unique computer friendship and community.  You're there for me and I for you, this is a gift and blessing.  Thank you dear friend.     
Wishing you much love, and joy and peace in the coming new year.             Diane


Ruth Hiebert said...

I say an AMen to that.The world of computers has given me so many friends.Where would I be without them.
Happy New Year dear friend.

The French Bear said...

Happy New Year Diane, I just got your card today!
Thank you so much, I am a little behind for Christmas cards but ahead for Ukrainian Christmas!!!!

Heidi said...

Happy New year Momma, I have to say you are my favorite stop Miss Diane....always a wonderful stay! I wished you lived closer!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Amen to this post, Diane... Blogging has brought so many of us SO much joy and so many new friends...

Happy New Year

June said...

Beautiful writing dear Diane. I agree wholeheartedly. I am so grateful for this amazing thing...this blogging.
Strange how many times a day I will find myself thinking...I wonder how so and so is doing? only to realize I am thinking about my friends I have made here.
I enjoyed catching up here tonight. I see you got the storm as well.
And now you have another whole year to put yourself at the top of Santa's naughty list.

Pondside said...

Amen, and the same good wishes to you, Diane. I enjoy my visits to your world, and am inspired by what I see and read - after all....your little garden work room is the reason that I am going to have one this spring!

Jayne said...

I know that visiting you and others is such a bright spot in my day! Hope 2011 is everything you want it to be and more my friend.

Romeo said...

Happy New Year Ms. Diane! You need to stay inside and keep warm!!!'s cold there! Any sign of this going away soon??? If not, I'd vote for hibernating. Who says animals are not as smart as humans?!? Seems to me were not so dumb, eh?



Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

Hi Diane ...nice to meet you and your blog...
Happy New year and may 2011 be fabulous for you and your loved ones.
Looking foward to getting to know you better in the new year.
Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...