Pinecones and Roses

Monday, December 6, 2010

Are You Coming?

Very occasionally I let Rascal off his leash when we're walking.  He loves it, even though he doesn't mind his leash.  Here he is waiting for me to catch up with him.  Rascal's the perfect companion and friend.  I look forward to his walk even more than he does.                           Diane


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yes---Rascal does look like he is saying to you: "Come on Mom.. Walk faster." ha ha

Cute picture --and you have LOTS of snow.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I think I hear him telling you to put the camera down and walk.:)
I love the Christmas header.

mudderbear said...

Rascal is beautiful. It's nice to have a little friend to be with you all the time. And the snow is lovely. I hope you aren't too cold.

Laurie said...

Rascal is such a sweetie Diane, he reminds me so much of Chip!

Pondside said...

Isn't it great to have an eager little walking partner?

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hi Diane, so nice to have the perfect walking companion. It is a warm sunny day here. I have the balcony door open. Finally was able to give my blog a holiday look. But it is 1:30 pm and no crocheting has taken place yet. Yikes! How nice to receive a sweet Christmas tree pin in the mail. Sending warm hugs your way. :) Tammy

The French Bear said...

Awww Rascal, you are so cute!!!!
I went to visit my daughter over the weekend and look at all the posts you have happening!!! I will have to play catch up tonight after work!!!