Pinecones and Roses

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Just to stand and stare..................

Many times the sky's clear but most of the time whenever we have a sky event it's cloudy.  That's what was last night when I wanted to capture the full moon and Jupiter.   

I'm glad we have the full moon once a month.  It gives me a chance to just stand and stare and consider the mysteries of the universe.              Diane


Ruth Hiebert said...

This picture has mystery written all over it..I love it.

Name: Amanda said...

Wow! Nice shot mom! It is magical!

Jane the Booklady said...

What a magical, haunting picture Diane- I love it! Jane xx

The French Bear said...

Great shot Diane! I have my computer back and it's all good and working's so good to see you again!!!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I stand and stare and contemplate most every single day. There's a lot to think about. :) Hugs, Tammy