Pinecones and Roses

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A September Day

 There are still flowers in my yard.  There are butterflies and birds, birds, birds.  The butterfly plant, allyssum, and phlox scent the garden in delicate yet intoxicating fragrance.  The robins, over saturated
with grapes, squabble in the grapevine and become quite agitated with me for walking too near.

Chickadees buzz me thinking I might be too close to the sunflower plant.  The roses are heavy on their branches.  It's a little cooler in the daytime sometimes. 

Life really is good.                        Diane


Jane the Booklady said...

Hello Diane- I too love the scent of phlox and that is such a beautiful rose. I do wish we had birds called Chickadees- I must go and look them up so I can see what they look like! Jane xx

Laurie said...

As always, awesome photos Diane. I can see, hear and smell the aromas through the descriptions of your beautiful yard!

purplehaze said...

Diane your pictures are beautiful as is your garden. You have a real understanding and connection to your plants and flowers and are in tune to their moods and messages. That is a real gift and enriches life.

Tammy said...

Such pretty flowers. Right now, only the doves come to my balconies -- not seeing too many other little birdies at the moment. I do wonder how they survive this awful environment. :) Hugs, Tammy

Name: Amanda said...

Thank you for sharing your flowers with us all. xobean