Pinecones and Roses

Saturday, June 28, 2014


You would think I make him wait a lot.  No, not really.  But here he is in the loaf of bread position waiting while I ran into the shop to talk to Leonard.

What would I do without this dear little companion?  Aren't dog's wonderful?  They listen to you, walk with you, understand your words and conversation and never act the least bit bored.   And if I do stop to talk to somebody, he just waits patiently for us to be on our way again.             Diane


Name: Amanda said...

I couldn't agree more! What would we do without them? He is such a little sweetie :) xo bean

Kit said...

What a good pup! I feel the same way about my old Sam cat. He seems to know when I am not well, and then he insists on sleeping with me. Greets me when I pull up in the car too! Just love it! :) Kit

June said...

This photo is just too precious Diane! The little heartbeats at our feet :)))

purplehaze said...

"Loaf of bread position" !!!!!!!!! Love it