Pinecones and Roses

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

One Day Spring....................

Two days ago I had to shed my sweat shirts on our walk.  The sun felt delicious and it was just a wonderful warm day.  I did a little yard work,

The next morning we woke up to this.  The yard work will have to wait a while.  In the meantime, all this moisture is going to have everything beautiful and green. 



Ruth Hiebert said...

The one good thing about a spring snowfall,is that it won't stay around that long.

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

Hello Diane
Somehow I found your blog as i flew through blogland tonight!
Reading that you love God and also roses, lace and animals make your life sing, I had to join your followers!!
Oh that snow - it seems like it won't go away and from what I hear you've all had enough!
The seasons dance to Mother Nature's tune so we can't interfere, but be assured Spring will come!
Do pop over and say hello-I'll be waiting with a welcome cup of tea!

purplehaze said...

Hi Diane! LOVE your selfie--so good to see your beautiful smile. Mother Nature knows that every gardener needs a day off after working in the yard. Even if it takes some snow to keep you inside. Enjoy your "quiet" day --maybe some reading, cooking or crafting?

Name: Amanda said...

Surprise surprise. Never a dull moment in Wyoming. Love the selfie too! xobean

Name: Amanda said...

Surprise surprise. Never a dull moment in Wyoming. Love the selfie too! xobean

Name: Amanda said...

Surprise surprise. Never a dull moment in Wyoming. Love the selfie too! xobean

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Back and forth, back and forth. Hope a warming trend is coming your way to stay. Best wishes, Tammy