Pinecones and Roses

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The heart remembers....................

Tomorrow will be one year since our mother died.  I have many pictures of her as I knew her and this one was before I was born.  But I just love it.  She was so pretty and she loved pretty clothes - always.  She would like this picture of her much more than some of the others.  Sometimes it's still hard to believe she's gone.  I miss her so much.                   Diane


Ruth Hiebert said...

She looks very elegant ,all dressed up.

purplehaze said...

What a beauty! The dress, the hat, the hair, how skinny she was. And, there's even a hollyhock in the background. What a memory. Keep it close. You WILL see her again :)

Ramblin Rose said...

Oh, Diane, this is such a nice post. I've missed her so much especially today. The date of her death and the date of Daddy's birth.

Kit said...

She was such a lovely lady. :) Thinking of you. Kit

Name: Amanda said...

This picture symbolizes her doesn't it? I miss her too! bean

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

She was a beautiful lady. What a gorgeous photo! I can't believe it's already been a year. I tell you, time just seems to be going faster and faster. Hugs and blessings, Tammy