Pinecones and Roses

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Month of Hearts - Dear Deer

A dear little deer print that I found in the snow today.  These look like a broken heart to me, maybe it's because the deer are so sweet and innocent and beautiful.  Hope you're enjoying my month of hearts.  Diane


The French Bear said...

That does look like a heart in two pieces.....I once came across a baby fawn, so tiny his little hoof prints were only about one inch square....sooo cute, he had the biggest white spots too. I just stood in the trees and held my breath...he wobbled over to his Mom and she scooted him away, it was such a great moment in time!!

Name: Amanda said...

Sweet! Lovely imagination. xobean

Anonymous said...

Love your Month of Hearts photos, Diane!
We had new snowfall with tiny bunny prints outside the door yesterday.
Hope you have a great day!
~ Zuzu

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Last week someone posted on their blog a picture of a deer their husband and nephew had shot -- what a shocker. A blog that is usually a about home and decorating and then that comes along. Not what I expected. Poor sweet little deer. Hugs, Tammy