Today as I walked I heard hundreds of birds in the treetops. Cedar Waxwings I was sure, but it didn't sound like them. It sounded like Robins. I zoomed in on one of them and sure enough it was. Hundreds of them chattering away and fussing and swooping down to an open spot in the creek to drink. Way, way too early for Robins. I think they must have been migrating or disoriented, it was 5 below last night, no place for these birds to be in the dead of winter. Diane
It is refreshing to see the Robin,even in a picture,but surely they should not be at your place right now.
We still have Robins around here also in Winter. They will come to the feeders when the weather is really bad...
BUT--I didn't think they would stay in your area all winter. Poor little guys. Do you put out food for them?
Oh my, when I saw the pic I thought no way is that a robin. He is waaayyyy too early. We are expecting a huge snow storm to come in tomorrow. We shall see, the weatherman has been off so many times this season. Stay warm! K
Nice capture.
I sure do hope they get themselves back on track soon Diane. I have had tons of cedar waxwings and doves around but no robins.
We have had no snow here yet, but that is supposed to change by no more bare ground here I guess. I have sure enjoyed having no snow though. But I better get my snow shovel out.
hugs from here...
What a lovely little bird! I don't think that it's the same as a European Robin is it? It looks much more colourful! Jane x
You are so lucky to have little birds around your house. Our winters are so quiet without little birds. I know winter is turning the corner when I hear little birds outside my window. Spring is not far away now...!!!! YEAH!
Poor little robin. I bet he's cold. With all the changing weather patterns, no wonder our feathered friends are confused. Warm wishes to you, Tammy
poor babies.....I feel so whiny but It was 25 below again this morning......yikes!
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