Pinecones and Roses

Monday, December 12, 2011

Tatum Found That Guy

My granddaughter took her son Tatum downtown for the Christmas parade in Billings.  They were going to see Santa but didn't get to so from then on whenever Tatum saw an image of Santa he would say "I'm gonna find that guy!"  Well, as you can see, he did. 

Then I messed the picture up because I unknowingly had some glitter on my scanner.  I got most of it out of Santa's hair but Tatum has a glitter moustache!                 Diane


Laurie said...

How adorable is that, Diane! I don't see any glitter, and if that isn't Santa I don't know who is!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Tatum looks very pleased.

June said...

Tatum and Santa make a darling pair Diane. I love that Santa is dressed down a bit too. Dang, this is sooo cute!!!
hugs from me...

Jane the Booklady said...

Good Morning Diane, Tatum looks so pleased! And the Father Christmas looks really friendly and benevolent... some of them look a bit scary to me! I'm glad he found a great one! Jane x

Pondside said...

Tatum looks so happy to have found 'that guy'!

Angela said...

He really did find him! They are both adorable!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute picture and what an adorable Santa... He has a fabulous smile... Tatum looks like he is enjoying every minute... ADORABLE!!!!!

I didn't notice any glitter... Great picture.

Kit said...

What a great picture! I love the shirt that "Santa" is wearing. Merry Christmas! Kit

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Now that is some Santa. So sweet that Tatum was determined to find that guy. Cute! :) Tammy