Leonard wanted to help me with a lug of peaches today. We froze 8 quarts and I made some Drunken Peaches. I'm sure glad he helped, it made it a lot easier. For some reason he really likes to help me do this kind of thing. I think he also enjoys the feeling of putting things up and squirreling food away for winter.
This winter when the winds are howling outside and the snow is piling up all around us a fresh peach cobbler will be delightful.
Diane Here's the recipe. I only use 1 quart peaches, 1 quart sugar, and 1 quart (1 fifth) of brandy and call it Drunken Peaches. This recipe was reprinted from The Joy of Cooking.
Any work that is shared is so much more enjoyable.That peach cobbler sounds pretty good.
Mmmmmm...sounds real yummy Diane. Now what are drunken peaches?
Yes what is a drunk peach??? I bet you to are cute together cooking in the kitchen.....
Sounds so good! I was wondering what to do with my peaches, I don't have energy to can anything else, so freezing sounds great!
This sounds wonderful. I like how there is a list of what not to use and why. It sounds fun. Is there a substitute that can be used in place of brandy or can that be left out?
I don't get the connection with my shoes blog, though.
Hello Diane,
That's just my sort of preserving. I love seenign a line of jars alll glowing beautiful colours and all put away for the winter! Jane x
The work is so worth the effort isn't it Diane. One of life's simple pleasures is opening a quart of home canned or frozen peaches.
You chilled me when I read 'wind howling'...it will be here before we know it my friend!
sending hugs...
Great picture of Leonard preserving the peaches. How fun - I love love love peaches. xobean
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