"I know I put the eggs here somewhere, Henry, just follow me, I'll find them."
These two ducks probably aren't looking for anything but it seemed like a good caption.
The ducks around here just traipse all over the neighborhood. They aren't frightened of us unless we make a bother about them. The creek is just at the end of the block and we have a healthy flock who call this neighborhood home.
Remember Ben? He fed them and we bought him extra corn every winter to help out. When he would roll his shade up in the morning they would all come running. They followed him around like the Pied Piper. Now that he's gone they fend for themselves but in the winter they become more aggressive with their begging. It's nice to have different kinds of wildlife that share our world with us. God bless you, Diane
It's so fun just watching them waddle. :c)
Hello Diane,
I am so glad you stopped by to visit our blog. I am Pinkie from Pinkpomegranate. My mom Mary, and sister Rene' together are Pinkpomegranate. I usually do most of the blogging. My mother lives just around the corner from me in a Victorian house. Our homes were built in the same era around 1905 and 6. So
glad you enjoyed the article written by her God daughter Corey of Tongue in Cheek. I'll email you so I won't be going on forever on your blog. Please visit again Pinkie
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