Mmmm! Chokecherries. 'Tis the time of year that industrious families are out with their buckets driving down country roads to their favorite chokecherry picking spots. And they all have a favorite. The taste of chokecherry jelly is so unique that some people might not even like it. But around here if you didn't like it then you must be a "foreigner". Growing up Mother always made chokecherry jelly. Sometimes it didn't gel and she was unfazed saying that she had made some chokecherry syrup! Just like she planned it that way! And that was so delicious on pancakes! Whenever I see chokecherries I think of dusty country roads and Mother's chokecherry "syrup". Diane |
Ohhh,I can taste that Chokecherry Jelly now.I love that stuff. When it didn't jell,we would just dip our bread into it and enjoy it that way. Mmmm,good.
This took me back, Diane. When I was growing up we always went picking choke cherries. My mother made jelly and wine from them. The jelly was good, but the wine was vile!
I miss chokecherry everything! It is really unique to the area, xo
Sadly I had to have my hubby take out my choke cherry, just grew too big for the space. :( It really had a ton of berries this year too! Kit
Sadly I had to have my hubby take out my choke cherry, just grew too big for the space. :( It really had a ton of berries this year too! Kit
Isn't it funny Diane, that around here it's said choke berries are poisonous! I like your version better!
Oh, yes, chokecherry time. Remember when Mother got into the poison ivy when she was chokecherry picking? Mike liked the jelly so much but didn't want to pick the berries so he just brought the whole bush home. Love, Patsy
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