Pinecones and Roses

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Follow-up on the Purple Robins

I'm sorry to tell you that I have been unable to get a good picture of the robins after they have been imbibing in the grapes. Normally they're so friendly and trusting but when they get around in the grape vines they get touchy and startled when I come near. I finally got this one today but it really doesn't show the faded out purplish color I mentioned. I'm going to keep trying. Really, I didn't make this up!!
God bless you, Diane


Sherry said...

I believe you Diane...and I think nature is so protective of herself...the birds want to keep themselves "under cover"!

Jill said...

I believe you as well Diane. It's a great photo! I know how hard it is to get a close up.If you get to close they seem to take off. I am still getting the odd hummingbird but they are to fast for me right now.
Hope you had a good day!